In this course, students gain the experience using photographic, video, and time-based practices; in addition students explore the uses and effects of sound. They explore the connections and distinctions between the still and moving image, while gaining the technical skills to create visual representations of time. Time-based media is generally dependent on technology and has a durational aspect. Part of the experience of time-based art is watching it unfold according to the temporal logic of the medium and the artist. The advent of image-based technologies has heightened our understanding of the connection between art, media, and technology, while exposing the advantages and disadvantages of the immediacies of visual information. We address these aesthetic, technical, historical, and conceptual issues through lectures, assignments, screenings, research, and readings. Students are instructed in the use of DSLRs, digital video cameras, audio recorders/microphones, lower-end cameras such as cell phones, flash memory camcorders and analog cameras, as well as editing software for images, video, and audio. Relevant artists, artwork, and articles are viewed and discussed.