
Light defines and makes possible all visual perception. In this course, students consider how to effectively use light as a conscious tool in the creation of their work.  Throughout the semester we focus specifically on how to use light to illustrate your ideas and concepts.  This course explores methods of seeing, understanding, managing, and utilizing light and space in still photography and time based media.  Students are expected to use a variety of image capturing tools such as cell phones, point and shoot cameras, video cameras, and digital SRLs.  They use these tools to explore how natural light, practicals (existing light in interiors), basic hot lights, speedlites, and reflectors can enhance still images and video.   Students work individually and in creative teams.  We address aesthetic, technical, historical, and conceptual issues through lectures, assignments, screenings, research, and readings.  Students are instructed on how to use of DSLRs, digital video cameras, lower-end cameras such as cell phones, and flash memory camcorders, as well as editing software for images and video.  Relevant artists, and readings are viewed and discussed throughout this course.

